As part of the Provost Office’s mission to support MIT faculty and staff, we have curated helpful resources from across the Institute to guide all faculty, assist administrators, and enhance scholarship research.
01.Faculty career stages#Section link copied to clipboard
- A partially auto-populated repository where faculty members can compile information about their professional activities, including research, teaching, mentorship, and service. (Log-in required.)
Programs in support of faculty careers, at many career stages. (MIT faculty only. Sign in using your MIT email, not an alias.)
new faculty, life with tenure, faculty leadership, department head program, academic leadership
- Information on MIT’s standards and processes for faculty appointments, promotions, and tenure
- Resources to support faculty in their roles as mentors and advisors (MIT faculty and support staff only; sign in using your MIT email (no alias)).
The National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD) provides online career development and mentoring resources, including webinars, multi-week courses, and an ongoing discussion forum.
- Resources, options and other pertinent information related to post tenure career transition (MIT faculty and support staff only; sign in using your MIT email (no alias)).
02.Benefits#Section link copied to clipboard
- Subsidy for faculty to address childcare costs. More information is available through the Faculty Concierge (MIT faculty and support staff only; sign in using your MIT email (no alias)).
- Subsidy for staff to address childcare costs.
- Resources to help faculty at different stages and roles in their careers, including on research, teaching, and work-life integration (MIT faculty and support staff only; sign in using your MIT email (no alias)).
- The MIT Faculty Housing Assistance Program (FHAP) has been established to support newly hired junior and senior faculty as well as recently tenured faculty in purchasing a primary residence in the local housing market.
Support for the career transition of partners of newly hired faculty.
Faculty Partner Career Transition Assistance Program
- Support, services, and programs to enhance work life at MIT.
- Procedures and regulations around relocation reimbursement for incoming faculty members.
03.Key administrative offices#Section link copied to clipboard
- Expertise, service, support, and leadership in health, safety, environmental stewardship, and sustainability.
- Programs and resources promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion across MIT.
- Analytical support to the provost, academic departments, and the broader MIT community.
- Information about international engagements at MIT.
- Confidential and independent resource to constructively manage concerns and conflicts at MIT.
04.Research & teaching#Section link copied to clipboard
- Landmark Bio provides development, manufacturing, and regulatory capabilities to help early-stage life science innovators progress advanced therapies from bench to clinic.
- An engine for creating, sharing, and safeguarding knowledge at the Institute and beyond.
- MIT’s hub for energy research, education and outreach, developing no- and low-carbon solutions to efficiently meet global energy needs, minimize environmental impacts and mitigate climate change.
- Brings together the essential administrative resources from across MIT to assist members of our community in planning and managing their global activities.
- Guidance on industry-sponsored research agreements (ISRAs) and relationships between faculty and corporations.
- Digital educational opportunities for learners, educators, and organizations around the globe.
Resources, support, and guidance on managing funded projects.
Management of MIT intellectual property developed with MIT funds.
05.Policies & procedures#Section link copied to clipboard
- Policies relating to how academic misconduct is addressed at MIT, including student academic dishonesty.
- Describes the responsibilities associated with various academic appointments at MIT.
- Outlines the Institute’s procedures for appointment, promotion, and tenure for faculty members.
- Information about the many key roles MIT faculty play in the governance of the Institute.
- Types of leave available to faculty (parental, sabbatical, junior faculty) at MIT.
- Information about the three elected officers of the MIT Faculty.
- Includes policies on teaching and research, the annual salary plan, expectations for full-time service, and information on conflicts of interest and outside professional activities.
- Describes benefits, leaves of absence, and the employment of family members, non-U.S. nationals, and individuals working outside Massachusetts.
- Describes the responsibilities and procedures associated with graduate student appointments, including different appointment categories.
- MIT Human Resources provides guidance and tools for hiring non-academic employees.
- Guidelines that govern intellectual property, the use of information technology, and how MIT records are maintained and archived.
- MIT’s mission, administrative structure and governance.
- Policies and procedures on purchasing, travel planning, and stewardship of MIT’s financial resources.
- Research policies and procedures, including those relating to integrity and compliance.
- Procedures to avoid ethical and legal conflicts of interest when interacting with organizations outside MIT.
- Guidelines for how members of the MIT community can promote a positive working and learning environment.
- Guidelines for how specific items of information about current (as well as former) individual students, faculty, and staff are maintained for educational, research, and other institutional purposes.
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- These policies govern how MIT is represented to and interacts with the public.
- Describes types of research appointments at MIT, differentiating between long-term (sponsored research staff) and short-term (academic research) appointments.
- Guidelines for how the MIT community interacts with research sponsors and other sources of support, as well as human research subjects.
- Information regarding the faculty as a governing body and its academic regulations.
06.Community support#Section link copied to clipboard
- In times of crisis, MIT pulls together in support of one another and of those most deeply affected. Here you will find resources for the Institute community and guidance for engaging scholars and students beyond our campus.
- A resource to address concerns related to discrimination and discriminatory harassment, including for sexual misconduct under Title IX federal regulations.
- Tools to use when working with students to help support their well-being.
- Information on recognizing and responding to students in distress.
- Dedicated network for the significant others of MIT students, postdocs, staff, and faculty who have relocated to the Boston area.
07.Funding opportunities#Section link copied to clipboard
- Seed money for new, high-risk initiatives that encourage creative curriculum and teaching changes, improve the quality of teaching, and enrich the learning experience.
- A research grant program that provides funding over a three-year period to MIT faculty who explore areas that are original, risky, controversial, and cross-disciplinary.
- Process for requesting external apps be integrated into Canvas.
- Support for innovative, early-stage cross-disciplinary research projects with a focus on combatting systemic racism.
- Sponsorship of ambitious projects designed to strengthen MIT undergraduate education and curricula, and enrich the academic experience of MIT undergraduates.
- The de Florez Fund for Humor supports diverse humorous activities and initiatives. All members of the MIT community — students, instructors, and staff — are welcome to apply.
Information on ICEO grants and other funding to promote belonging, achievement, and composition.
ICEO, Institute Community & Equity Office
- Grants for research that will help solve water and food sector challenges across the world.
- The MIT Jameel World Education Lab funds innovative research projects from across MIT that connect evidence and ideas in creative ways to improve learning on campus and across the world.
- A program that recognizes faculty who have made exemplary and sustained contributions to the teaching and education of undergraduates at MIT.
- Funding for projects that spark community connections or strengthen the fabric of the MIT community.
- Support for early-stage collaborations with researchers at peer institutions around the world.
- Support for projects at the intersection of art, science, and technology.
- Funding for ongoing and emerging climate and sustainability efforts on campus.
- Investments in research that transform promising ideas into innovative products and cutting-edge spinout companies.
- Support for innovative, early-stage research across the energy spectrum, encouraging researchers across MIT to collaborate in exploring new energy-related ideas.
- Support and guidance on the translation of faculty members’ existing research into policy-relevant material and related outreach.
- Collaborative research between Portuguese universities, industry partners, and MIT in areas of global relevance and with significant societal impact.
- Support for development and operation of modules and/or exploration with tools or content that leverage the edX or MITx online platforms.
- Manages relationships with a broad range of foundations and shares information about foundation opportunities.
- Fellowships administered by the Office of Graduate Education, awarded to students demonstrating academic and research prowess.
- Funding for research that deepens our understanding of systemic racism, illuminates its deleterious impact, and devises methods to mitigate or eliminate its effects.
- Research Development supports researchers from early career faculty to senior experts as they strategize, find, and secure sponsored funding—from individual projects to multi-year, multi-institution interdisciplinary endeavors.
08.Entrepreneurial support#Section link copied to clipboard
- A resource dedicated to connecting MIT faculty, departments, labs, and centers to industry and government.
- A resource that promotes collaboration and partnerships between MIT-connected startups and industry.
- A resource that matches prospective and experienced entrepreneurs with skilled volunteer mentors.
09.Awards#Section link copied to clipboard
The Infinite Mile Awards Program for the Offices of the Provost and Vice President for Research recognizes individuals or teams who have made extraordinary contributions within their own organizations to help the Institute carry out its mission.
- The MIT Excellence Awards + Collier Medal acknowledge the extraordinary efforts made by members of our community toward fulfilling the goals, values, and mission of the Institute.
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