Senior leaders, Institute Professors, and innovators across the Institute work with the provost and our office to shape the future of MIT’s academics, governance, and research.01.Faculty + research leaders#Section link copied to clipboard
Faculty and research leaders oversee key offices that advance the excellence of MIT’s education and research, and establish a culture that enables the community to do their best work. Learn more about the provost’s purview.
Cynthia Barnhart
Vice Provost for Open Learning
Dimitris Bertsimas
Vice Provost for International Activities
Duane Boning
Libraries Director
Chris Bourg
Director, Lincoln Laboratory
Melissa Choi
Vice Provost for Faculty
Paula Hammond
Vice Provost for the Arts
Philip Khoury
Vice Provost for Campus Space Management and Planning
Brent D. Ryan
02.Academic deans#Section link copied to clipboard
Reporting to the provost, academic deans set the direction for the schools and college they lead, working with the MIT community on a wide range of issues.
School of Engineering
Anantha P. Chandrakasan
College of Computing
Daniel Huttenlocher
School of Science
Nergis Mavalvala
Interim Dean, Sloan School of Management
Georgia Perakis
School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
Agustín Rayo
School of Architecture and Planning
Hashim Sarkis
03.Institute professors#Section link copied to clipboard
Institute Professor is the highest honor awarded by the Institute’s administration and faculty to tenured faculty. Institute Professors report to the provost and have demonstrated exceptional distinction by a combination of leadership, accomplishment, and service in the scholarly, educational, and general intellectual life of the Institute or wider academic community.
Department of Economics
Daron Acemoglu
Department of Political Science
Suzanne Berger
Department of Chemical Engineering
Arup K. Chakraborty
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Sallie (Penny) Chisholm
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Ann Graybiel
Department of Chemical Engineering
Paula T. Hammond
Department of Chemical Engineering
Robert S. Langer
Sloan School of Management
Thomas Magnanti
Music and Theater Arts
Marcus Thompson
05.Provost office headquarters#Section link copied to clipboard
The provost’s administrative and operations staff support the provost and her direct reports in the implementation of her strategic priorities and day-to-day operations.
Assistant Provost for Faculty Programs
Donna Behmer
Director of Special Projects
Rachel Beingessner
Senior Financial Administrator
Gabriella Browne
Senior Director of Human Resources and Finance
Daniel Delgado
Chief of Staff
Kim Haberlin
Senior Administrative Assistant
Tori Hile
Relocation Specialist
Christine Holland
Senior Human Resources Manager
Casey Johnson
Special Projects Manager
Martha Leibs
Assistant Provost for Administration
Elizabeth Lennox
Relocation Representative
Chantelle Marcial
Executive Assistant
Frances Neville
Director of Institutional Research
Jonathan Schwarz
Assistant Provost for Finance
Mary Ellen Sinkus
Senior Administrative Assistant
Anthee Travers
Director of Communications
Catherine Williams
Senior Program Associate
Yvonne Wong
Chief Academic and Budget Officer
Faculty + research leaders
Dimitris Bertsimas
Vice Provost for Open Learning
Duane Boning
Vice Provost for International Activities
Chris Bourg
Libraries Director
Shared Report Melissa Choi
Director, Lincoln Laboratory
Paula T. Hammond
Vice Provost for Faculty
Philip Khoury
Vice Provost for the Arts
Brent D. Ryan
Vice Provost for Campus Space Management and Planning
Academic Deans
Anantha P. Chandrakasan
School of Engineering
Daniel Huttenlocher
College of Computing
Nergis Mavalvala
School of Science
Georgia Perakis
Interim Dean, Sloan School of Management
Agustín Rayo
School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
Hashim Sarkis
School of Architecture and Planning
Institute Professors
Daron Acemoglu
Department of Economics
Suzanne Berger
Department of Political Science
Arup K. Chakraborty
Department of Chemical Engineering
Sallie (Penny) Chisholm
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Ann Graybiel
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Paula T. Hammond
Department of Chemical Engineering
Robert S. Langer
Department of Chemical Engineering
Thomas Magnanti
Sloan School of Management
Marcus Thompson
Music and Theater Arts
Office Headquarters
Kim Haberlin
Chief of Staff
Tori Hile
Senior Administrative Assistant
Elizabeth Lennox
Assistant Provost for Administration
Frances Neville
Executive Assistant
Mary Ellen Sinkus
Assistant Provost for Finance
Catherine Williams
Director of Communications
Institutional Research
Jonathan Schwarz
Director of Institutional Research
Administration + finance
Shared Report Ramona Allen
Vice President for Human Resources
Shared Report Katie Hammer
Vice President for Finance